Bobrov Igor',
PhD (Historical Sciences),
Alyona, PhD (Political Sciences),
researcher of Institute of the problems of Northern
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article from the point of gender
approach describes mutually excluding standards for Muslim women who wear hijab
in everyday life in one of the non-Muslim regions of Russia - Tyumen region. On
the one hand, secular society imposes restrictions on wearing hijabs. On the
other hand, Muslim women and Muslim community basing on religious norms insist
that a woman being in public must be "covered". Besides, within the
Muslim community it is discussed what the hijab should be like, and the parties
involved in this discussion, are stigmatized by each other. In this regard, the
issue of interest is to clarify what wearing a religious headscarf means for
young Muslim women. What impact hijab restrictions has on their daily lives?
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